- Technology and Cyber Risk
Do it now!
Are you feeling the pressure to act quickly to avoid some sort of consequence? Don’t react emotionally, take a breather and recognise urgency cues indicating a scam.
An example of a red flag is “You have an overdue toll bill. Please pay within 3 days or we will issue an additional fine.”
It’s all good, you know me
Even if you recognise the sender or if the message refers to a common ground or relationship, contextualisation and personalisation of messages are used by impostors for scams.
An example of a red flag is “Hey I’m a friend of [insert close friend]. I’m with them now, can you send me the code to log into their account? They’ve been locked out.”
Um, that doesn’t look right
Big giveaways of a scam still include suspicious domains for email addresses, incorrect logos, formatting errors, and spelling mistakes. Check the sender’s email address and verify by responding or contacting them to confirm legitimacy.
An example of a red flag is an email address that does not match the sending organisation or person.